Thursday, August 11, 2016

Unfiltered Life

So much of what we see is the the ought the eyes of a filter. Every platform of social media has pictures with filters and words that can be edited and changed. It's like a mask covering who we truly are.
I'm the first to admit that I'm guilty of this. Guilty of putting a filter on my pictures not to make them see more beautiful but to make me look better. To cover my flawed.  Of changing my words over and over so that my post is just right. But that's not the real me...

The real me has crazy messy hair that most morning I hate. Has skin that I wish were more flawless. Gets in arguments with my husband. Gets frustrated at my son. Forgets to feed the cat or clean the litter box when I say I will. Miss spells more words than I care to admit. Gets too tired to cook the "perfect" dinner. And seldom gets enough sleep. 
But then I asked myself...what do I post. I post that one perfect meal I cooked that one time. The perfect hair day that happens once a month. The times when my son is being amazing. I edit my sentence and words to skirt around the word that I can't spell. I post this image of who I want to be and who I want the world to see me as. But that's not me. I'm flawed. I have bad days and days when in not feeling great about myself. I have days when being a mom and a wife are hard and I have days when I'm loving every minute of it. 
So I'm trying to remind myself that when I see a post of someone's life that makes me see the flaws of my own life. I try to remember that so much of what people choose to share on social media is filtered. And real life is crazy, and messy, and amazing, and hard, and unfiltered. 

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Social Silence

This week I decided to take a social media break. I also gave up Netflix and Hulu too. I'll tell was hard and frustrating at times, but now on the other side, it was great!
This week I managed to read 3 books, cook dinner every night, spend more time with my son, get better sleep, and actually wake up feeling rested. I was truly amazed! I highly recommend taking a social media break every once in a while. You'll be amazed how much you can actually accomplish when your eyes aren't trained on a phone!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Quiet Me Moment

A rare moment of calm and quiet. It's so important to take those moments when you can. You're kids are your everything but to give them a better you it's important to take care of yourself. Today I had an amazing morning playing with my husband and son. And now, while he's down for his nap (and on a side note, I have family who lives close and can babysit even on a Saturday when my husband is at work!) I'm have a Starbucks and a hair cut.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mini Me

Today I realized that my son in my mini me! From the moment he was born he looked just like my husband. No I think my husband is very cute and so I was happy that he looked liked him. I mean you couldn't tell who's baby picture was who's! But deep down I wanted him to look a little like me. 
This morning my mom gave me a picture from my first birthday party, and when I looked at it, I saw my son's face! It made my day. He his an absolute blend of us both with a dash of all his own.

Pictures to come!

Saturday, August 1, 2015


Today was my baby boys 1st birthday party. My moment came at 10:30. The party started at 11 and I felt an avalanche of emotion hit me. I felt that I had at least an hours worth of things left to do and I still had to run home and pick up my husband and the birthday boy. As I ran in the house my husband stopped me. He gave me a hug and said, "I love you, and no matter way, today will be wonderful. It doesn't have to be perfect to be a perfect day. "
In that moment I realized, one, how amazing my husband was, and two, how true those words were. I was able to take a breath and go hug my son. And you know was a perfect day!

Happy birthday to my amazing little boy. I can't wait to experience all of life's moments with you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Moments as a Mama

Every Mama has those moments. These are mine. Here's a little bit about me. I'm 30 years old. I just celebrated by 3rd anniversary with my hubby Ken and about a year ago we welcomed our son. I am also a full time, work outside the house, Mama. I have been though a lot this year learning how to be a wife, Mama, and myself. It's not easy, but I'm stumbling through it. These are my moments, the good, the bad, and the crazy!